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ARCHIPEL - volet 1

The Archipel program - Volet 1 was designed for artists aged 50 and over. It offers access to short, intensive, qualifying training related to the field of the performing arts, in order to take up a new position while allowing the continuation of an artistic practice. 


Small group (8 artists) 

Program goals
  • To contribute to the valorisation of experienced artists

  • To increase the satisfaction, sense of competence and accomplishment of these individuals

  • To alleviate the labour shortage observed in the cultural sector

  • Reduce the psychological effects of feelings of insecurity

  • To create a bond of trust and belonging through group training and teamwork.

  • To have allowed the selected artists to complete training leading to a new position in the cultural sector

  • To increase the employability of artists aged 50 and over

  • To introduce new tangible skills into the milieu and to promote its vitality


Fall 2023 : Qualifying training in Philanthropic Development   


Confluence - CV is delighted to announce the launch of a collaborative pilot project with HEC Montréal aimed at offering a qualifying training program in Philanthropic Development in the cultural field!







Through this promising pilot project, HEC Montréal and Confluence - CV propose to train up to 4 artists aged 50 and over, selected from the Archipel - volet 1 program. These artists, who intend to lend a hand to cultural organizations in the area of philanthropy, will have the opportunity to integrate two regular courses in the Cultural Organization Management program (2nd cycle) to be given in the fall of 2023, namely :  


Philanthropy and Management of Cultural Enterprises (MNGT 40443) 
Cultural Enterprise Management (MNGT 40405) 

To help them integrate into the program and ensure the session runs smoothly, Confluence - CV will ensure that each participant is paired with an artist who has completed a Master's degree in Cultural Enterprise Management.


This proven training will enable experienced artists to grasp the key concepts of management and philanthropic development applied to the cultural sector, and develop their critical thinking skills. These artists will then be able to invest themselves in their communities in a new way, channeling their passion for the arts into a role that is essential, and that needs to be to be both multiplied and demystified.


Spring 2023 : Qualifying training in Project Management   


Tailor-made with the expert collaboration of Ms Claude Palmarini of GPBL Penser projet, this 35 to 42-hour training course will enable artists to acquire the knowledge they need for project management, thereby enhancing their skills while helping to meet a clear need in the cultural sector.



The Archipel - Volet 1 training program is a gateway to the world of project management. Rigorous and comprehensive, this training will enable participants to assist managers by taking on responsibility, for instance, in project execution, cost management, coordination of activities and so on. What's more, once completed, participants will be eligible to take the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM®) exam.  

Confluence - CV thanks the Caisse Desjardins de la Culture and the Conseil des arts de Montréal for their financial support.


Confluence - CV thanks the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec for its financial support.


This project is made possible by the financial support of the Government of Quebec.

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